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Virtual CAN on WSL2

By default, WSL2 does not support Virtual CAN, however it can be enabled by building a custom WSL2 kernel.

This setup assumes you are running within WSL. If you do not have WSL installed, open up a Windows terminal and run:

wsl --install

Step 1: Update the WSL Environment

Run the following commands in your WSL terminal to update your environment and install the required dependencies.

sudo apt-get update -y

Install dependencies

sudo apt install -y dwarves libelf-dev flex bison libssl-dev libncurses-dev bc build-essential make
sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends wslu

Step 2: Download the WSL2 Linux Kernel

To ensure compatibility, you need the specific kernel version of WSL2.

  1. Check your kernel version:

    uname -r
    • Example output:
    • Note the version number, as it must match with <your-kernel-version> in step 2, 3, and 4.
  2. Download the kernel source:

  3. Download and extract the file:

    tar -xf linux-msft-wsl-<your-kernel-version>.tar.gz
  4. Navigate to the extracted folder:

    cd WSL2-Linux-Kernel-<your-kernel-version>

Step 3: Configure Kernel Settings

  1. Load current configuration:

    cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip > .config
  2. Prepare the kernel for modules:

    make prepare modules_prepare -j $(expr $(nproc) - 1)
  3. Open the configuration menu:

    make menuconfig -j $(expr $(nproc) - 1)

    A menu interface should open. Use this to enable the necessary drivers for Virtual CAN.

Step 1

Enable CAN Drivers

  • Navigate to Networking Support and press Enter.
  • Select CAN BUS subsystem support by pressing M, then press Enter.

Step 2 Step 3

Enable CAN Device Drivers

  • Navigate to CAN Device Drivers.
  • For each driver shown in the screenshot, press M to enable as a module.
  • Save and exit the configuration menu.

Step 4

Step 4: Compile and Install Kernel Modules

Run the following commands to compile and install the Virtual CAN modules:

make modules -j $(expr $(nproc) - 1)
sudo make modules_install

Then, compile the kernel:

make -j $(expr $(nproc) - 1)

Step 5: Configure WSL to Use the Custom Kernel

  1. Create a symbolic link for the module directory, matching your kernel version:

    sudo ln -s /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/
  2. Copy the vmlinux file:

    Replace <yourwindowsloginname> with your actual Windows username:

    cp vmlinux /mnt/c/Users/<yourwindowsloginname>/
    • In Windows File Explorer, you should now see a file named vmlinux.
  3. Configure .wslconfig:

    Create a file named .wslconfig in the same directory (i.e. in /mnt/c/Users/<yourwindowsloginname>/) and paste the following to the file:


Step 6: Restart WSL and Verify

  1. In a separate Windows terminal (not WSL), restart WSL:

    wsl --shutdown
  2. Wait ~10 seconds, then check that WSL has no active processes:

    wsl --list -v
  3. Verify the setup by running WSL again, then execute these commands:

    sudo modprobe can
    sudo modprobe can-raw
    sudo modprobe vcan

If there is no other message, the installation was successful.